2018 Main Round Registration for the Certificate of Sponsorship – Issuance of Confirmation Email

The Labour Department (LD) has issued confirmation email with a registration number to eligible registrants of the 2018 main round registration for the Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) under the Hong Kong/United Kingdom (UK) Working Holiday Scheme. Registrants will need the registration number for result checking. The result will be published on the Labour Department's website on 9 April 2018. Successful registrants allocated a CoS will be notified by email again with instructions on how they can proceed with their Tier 5 (Youth Mobility Scheme) visa applications.
Eligible registrants who have submitted a registration for the 2018 main round CoS registration but could not receive the confirmation email, please contact the Working Holiday Scheme Unit of LD at whsu@labour.gov.hk as soon as possible.
For details on obtaining a CoS, please refer to the LD's website: http://www.whs.gov.hk/en/partners.php?location=United-Kingdom#cos. Please also visit http://www.whs.gov.hk for details relating to the Working Holiday Scheme.
Ends/Tuesday, March 27, 2018