Working Holiday Destination:

by Shasha (2019 瑞典)
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by Rainy (2018-2019 日本)

by 毛肉毛球 (2016-2017 日本)
我變得比以前獨立,因為在working holiday的這一年裡,所有大小事情和問題都要自己解決,包括申請各種政府文件、開銀行戶口、交稅、申請手機號碼等.........
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Walk onto the Endless Journey – Working Holiday in Australia and Sweden
by Wing (2015-2016/ 2019-2020 Australia/ Sweden)
I would like to challenge myself by staying in a non-English speaking country and experiencing their authentic local lifestyles and culture. Sweden came up on the top of my list as it is one of the world’s best place for Aurora Borealis and is frequently ranked the happiest country in the world.........
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by Steffi (2018-2019 英國)
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日本Working Holiday。四種語言無限loop
by Lydia (2015 – 2016 日本)
We welcome all participants of the Working Holiday Scheme to share with us your personal experience and useful information!
Inspire others to start their working holiday by filling in a simple questionnaire NOW!
Inspire others to start their working holiday by filling in a simple questionnaire NOW!
Working Holiday Destination: